Payment Options
Payment by Credit Card
We accept MasterCard and VISA credit cards. You will be requested to enter the credit card number, the date of expiry and the card security number during the order process. Your credit card will only be debited when the order is shipped.
Payment by PayPal
Select the payment method PayPal at the end of the order process. You will be forwarded to PayPal, where you need to log in with your existing account or create a new account. Once you have completed the payment you will be forwarded back to the egnite shop automatically, where the order will be completed.
Payment by PayPal Express
Clicking the “Check out with PayPal” button in your shopping cart will take you to your PayPal account. After logging in and confirming the purchase, you are taken back to the egnite shop. There you can complete the order without needing to enter your personal data again.
Payment by Invoice
If you select this payment method you will receive an invoice together with the email confirming the shipment. The balance needs to be payed by bank transfer within 14 days.
Please notice that we can not offer payment by invoice for certain products, if the delivery address and billing address differ or for shipments with a delivery address outside Germany.
Our bank details
Account holder’s name: egnite GmbH
Bank: Postbank Dortmund, Hiltropwall 4-12, 44137 Dortmund, Germany
IBAN: DE27440100460751805461
BLZ: 44010046
Accountnumber: 751805461
Reference: Your order code
Advance Payment
You will receive an email confirming your order and stating the amount due for payment along with our bank details. The ordered products are reserved until your payment is received (but for seven days at the most). Your order will be shipped as soon as your payment has arrived.
Should any products not be available at this time, we will confirm that your payment has arrived and ship the items as soon as they are available.